Package net.sf.beanlib.spi

Beanlib Servce Provider Interface


Interface Summary
BeanMethodCollector Used to collect methods from a JavaBean.
BeanMethodFinder Used to find a method from a JavaBean.
BeanPopulatable Used to control if a JavaBean property should be populated.
BeanPopulationExceptionHandler Used to handle exception thrown during the population of a bean property.
BeanPopulatorBaseSpi The base of the Bean Populator SPI.
BeanPopulatorSpi Bean Populator SPI.
BeanPopulatorSpi.Factory Bean Populator Factory SPI.
BeanSourceHandler Used to do something to the "from" JavaBean.
BeanTransformerSpi Bean Transformer SPI.
BeanTransformerSpi.Factory Bean Transformer Factory SPI.
CustomBeanTransformerSpi Custom Bean Transformer SPI.
CustomBeanTransformerSpi.Factory Custom Bean Transformer Factory SPI.
DetailedBeanPopulatable Used to control if a JavaBean property should be populated.
Transformable Object Transformer.

Class Summary
BeanPopulationExceptionHandlerAdapter Adapter class for BeanPopulationExceptionHandler.
BeanPopulatorBaseConfig Base configuration for a Bean Populator.

Package net.sf.beanlib.spi Description

Beanlib Servce Provider Interface