Interface Transformable

All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanTransformerSpi, CustomBeanTransformerSpi
All Known Implementing Classes:
BeanTransformer, Hibernate3BeanTransformer

public interface Transformable

Object Transformer.

Joe D. Velopar

Method Summary
<T> T
transform(Object in, Class<T> toClass, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
          Returns an object transformed from the input object with the given target class.

Method Detail


<T> T transform(Object in,
                Class<T> toClass,
                PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
Returns an object transformed from the input object with the given target class.

in - the input object to be transformed. If propertyInfo is non-null, the input object is a JavaBean property value.
toClass - the target class to be transformed to.
propertyInfo - If null, it means the in object is a root level object. Otherwise, propertyInfo contains information about the input object as a java bean property value to be transformed.
the transformed object.