Package net.sf.beanlib.util

Mirror package of java.util of Java 6 beta 2.


Interface Summary
Deque<E> A linear collection that supports element insertion and removal at both ends.
NavigableMap<K,V> A SortedMap extended with navigation methods returning the closest matches for given search targets.
NavigableSet<E> A SortedSet extended with navigation methods reporting closest matches for given search targets.

Class Summary
AbstractCollection<E> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Collection interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractMap<K,V> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Map interface, to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V> An Entry maintaining a key and a value.
AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V> An Entry maintaining an immutable key and value.
ArrayDeque<E> Resizable-array implementation of the Deque interface.

Package net.sf.beanlib.util Description

Mirror package of java.util of Java 6 beta 2.