Class BeanReplicator

  extended by net.sf.beanlib.provider.replicator.ReplicatorTemplate
      extended by net.sf.beanlib.provider.replicator.BeanReplicator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BeanReplicator
extends ReplicatorTemplate
implements BeanReplicatorSpi

Default implementation of BeanReplicatorSpi.

Joe D. Velopar

Nested Class Summary
private static class BeanReplicator.Factory
          Factory for BeanReplicator
Field Summary
private static BeanReplicator.Factory factory
Fields inherited from class net.sf.beanlib.provider.replicator.ReplicatorTemplate
Constructor Summary
          Convenient constructor to make use of the default BeanTransformer.
BeanReplicator(BeanTransformerSpi beanTransformer)
          Convenient constructor for passing in a bean transformer.
Method Summary
static BeanReplicator newBeanReplicatable()
          Convenient factory method to use the default BeanTransformer.
static BeanReplicator newBeanReplicatable(BeanTransformerSpi beanTransformer)
<V> V
replicateBean(V from)
          Replicates a given JavaBean object.
<V,T> T
replicateBean(V from, Class<T> toClass)
          Replicates the properties of a JavaBean object to an instance of a target class, which is selected from the given "from" and "to" classes, giving priority to the one which is more specific whenever possible.
<V,T> T
replicateBean(V from, Class<T> toClass, V originalFrom)
          Replicates the properties of a JavaBean object to an instance of a target class, which is selected from the given "from" and "to" classes, giving priority to the one which is more specific whenever possible.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.beanlib.provider.replicator.ReplicatorTemplate
chooseClass, createToInstance, createToInstance, createToInstanceWithComparator, getTargetCloned, newInstanceAsPrivileged, populateBean, putTargetCloned, replicate, replicate, replicateByBeanReplicatable, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final BeanReplicator.Factory factory
Constructor Detail


public BeanReplicator(BeanTransformerSpi beanTransformer)
Convenient constructor for passing in a bean transformer.


public BeanReplicator()
Convenient constructor to make use of the default BeanTransformer.

Method Detail


public static BeanReplicator newBeanReplicatable(BeanTransformerSpi beanTransformer)


public static BeanReplicator newBeanReplicatable()
Convenient factory method to use the default BeanTransformer.


public <V> V replicateBean(V from)
Replicates a given JavaBean object.

Type Parameters:
V - from type
from - from bean to be replicated.


public <V,T> T replicateBean(V from,
                             Class<T> toClass)
Replicates the properties of a JavaBean object to an instance of a target class, which is selected from the given "from" and "to" classes, giving priority to the one which is more specific whenever possible.

Specified by:
replicateBean in interface BeanReplicatorSpi
Type Parameters:
V - from type
T - target type
from - from bean (after unenhancement) to be replicated
toClass - target class to be instantiated


protected <V,T> T replicateBean(V from,
                                Class<T> toClass,
                                V originalFrom)
Replicates the properties of a JavaBean object to an instance of a target class, which is selected from the given "from" and "to" classes, giving priority to the one which is more specific whenever possible.

Type Parameters:
V - from type
T - target type
from - from bean (after unenhancement) to be replicated
toClass - target class to be instantiated
originalFrom - the original from bean before any "unehancement"
an instance of the replicated bean