get(Class, Serializable, LockMode) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.DtoCentricHibernate3Template
get(String, Serializable, LockMode) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.DtoCentricHibernate3Template
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.AbstractMap
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap.SubMap
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.CollectionUtils.SynchronizedMap
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.AbstractMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap.SubMap
getActualClass(Object) - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate.UnEnhancer
getArrayReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getArrayReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getBeanHashCode(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.BeanGetter
Returns a hash code for the given JavaBean object for all the reader methods using the algorithm suggested in Item 8 of Effective Java by Joshua Bloch.
getBeanPopulatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate.HibernateBeanReplicator
getBeanPopulatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorBaseConfig
getBeanPopulationExceptionHandler() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorBaseConfig
getBeanPopulatorBaseConfig() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getBeanPopulatorBaseConfig() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
Don't invoke this method, except from within the replicator implementation class.
getBeanPopulatorSpiFactory() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getBeanPopulatorSpiFactory() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getBeanReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getBeanReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getBeanSourceHandler() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorBaseConfig
getBlobReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getBlobReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getByPoint(Comparable<T>) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.CollectionUtils.SynchronizedSortedRangeMap
getByPoint(Comparable<T>) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.RangeTreeMap
getByPoint(Comparable<T>) - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.SortedRangeMap
Returns the value to which this map maps a key with a range that the specified point falls within.
getBytesFromAsciiString(String) - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.StringUtils
Returns the bytes from the given String of ascii characters fast, using the least amount of memory in the process.
getBytesFromAsciiString(String, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.StringUtils
Returns the bytes from the given String of ascii characters fast.
getCeilEntry(K) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap
Gets the entry corresponding to the specified key; if no such entry exists, returns the entry for the least key greater than the specified key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the greatest key in the Tree is less than the specified key), returns null.
getCharset() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.TextIterable
getCharsetDecoder() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.TextIterable
getCharsetname() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.TextIterable
getClonedMap() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getClonedMap() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getCollectionProperty() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.CollectionPropertyName
getCollectionPropertyNameSet() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate.HibernateBeanReplicator
getCollectionReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getCollectionReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getDateReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getDateReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.CollectionPropertyName
getDefaultPrimitiveValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.replicator.ImmutableReplicator
getDetailedBeanPopulatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorBaseConfig
getEntityBeanClassSet() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate.HibernateBeanReplicator
getEntry(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap
Returns this map's entry for the given key, or null if the map does not contain an entry for the key.
getEntryByPoint(Comparable<T>) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.RangeTreeMap
getFactory() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3BlobReplicator
getFactory() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3CollectionReplicator
getFactory() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3JavaBeanReplicator
getFactory() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3MapReplicator
getFieldValue(Class, String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.DebugUtils
Returns the value of a declared field regardless of the privacy modifier.
getFirst() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.ArrayDeque
getFirst() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque
getFirst() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.util.Deque
Retrieves, but does not remove, the first element of this deque.
getFromBean() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.PropertyInfo
Returns the Java Bean from which the property is read.
getHibernateDtoCopier() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.DtoCentricHibernate3Template
getHibernateTemplate() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3DaoSupportable
getImmutableReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getImmutableReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getInstance(String, Class) - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3DtoCopier.Factory
getInstance(String) - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3DtoCopier.Factory
getInstance() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.xml.XStreamFactory
getKey() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
Returns the key corresponding to this entry.
getKey() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
Returns the key corresponding to this entry.
getKey() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
getKey() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap.NodeEntry
Returns the key.
getLast() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.ArrayDeque
getLast() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque
getLast() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.util.Deque
Retrieves, but does not remove, the last element of this deque.
getLineNumber() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.io.FastLineNumberReader
Returns the current line number.
getLineNumber() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.LineIterator
getLowerBound() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.RangeBoundable
Returns the lower bound of the range.
getMapReplicatable() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanTransformer
getMapReplicatable() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanTransformerSpi
getMethodPrefix() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.jaxb2.FluentSetterMethodCollector
getMethodPrefix() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.collector.OrderedMethodCollector
getMethodPrefix() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.collector.PrivateSetterMethodCollector
getMethodPrefix() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.collector.ProtectedSetterMethodCollector
getMethodPrefix() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.collector.PublicSetterCollectionLastMethodCollector
getMethodPrefix() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.collector.PublicSetterMethodCollector
getMethodPrefix() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanMethodCollector
getNear(K, int) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
Returns SimpleImmutableEntry for results of findNear.
getNearEntry(K, int) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap.SubMap
Submap version of ConcurrentSkipListMap.getNearEntry
getNearKey(K, int) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap.SubMap
getPrecedingEntry(K) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap
Returns the entry for the greatest key less than the specified key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the least key in the Tree is greater than the specified key), returns null.
getPropertyAsString(Object, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.BeanGetter
Returns the string value of the given property of the specified java bean class.
getPropertyName() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.PropertyInfo
Returns the property name.
getPropertyName2DescriptorMap(Class) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.BeanGetter
Returns the property name to descriptor map for the given bean class.
getReaderMethodFinder() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorBaseConfig
getSessionFactory() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.Hibernate3DaoSupportable
getSetterMethodCollector() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorBaseConfig
getTarget() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate3.DtoCentricHibernate3Template.DtoCentricCloseSuppressingInvocationHandler
getTargetCloned(Object) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.replicator.ReplicatorTemplate
getToBean() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.PropertyInfo
Returns the Java Bean to which the property is to be written.
getTransformer() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanPopulator
getTransformer() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.spi.BeanPopulatorSpi
getTransformerSpi() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.provider.BeanPopulator
getType() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.TypeReference
Gets the referenced type.
getUnsafe() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
getUnsafeImpl() - Static method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
getUpperBound() - Method in interface net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.RangeBoundable
Returns the upper bound of the range.
getUsingFindNode(Comparable<? super K>) - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap
Performs map.get via findNode.
getValidValue() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap.Node
Returns value if this node contains a valid key-value pair, else null.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
Returns the value corresponding to this entry.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
Returns the value corresponding to this entry.
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
getValue() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.range.ExtensibleTreeMap.NodeEntry
Returns the value associated with the key.
getVetoer() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.hibernate.HibernateBeanReplicator
getXStream() - Method in class net.sf.beanlib.utils.xml.XStreamFactory
GT - Static variable in class net.sf.beanlib.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap